ginger water

Facts About Ginger Water

  1. Ginger water combats high cholesterol levels in the body, preventing illnesses related to this disease.
  2. This will help burn fat from the thighs hips and waist
  3. Regulates blood pressure and fights the formation of blood clots in the arteries
  4. Combats inflammation, with its anti-inflammatory properties, reduces pain and inflammation of joints. It fights joint problems and diseases like rheumatism and osteoarthritis.
  5. Fights free radicals which are often the cause of cancer.

How to make Ginger water

  1. Pour 1.5 Litres of water into a pan
  2. Cut some thin slices of Ginger
  3. Boil the water
  4. Add the slices of ginger
  5. Let the mixture simmer for 15 minutes
  6. Remove from heat, let cool and strain it,
  7. Add a little lemon(optional)


This video is from The Organic Book


For more health tips check out our 7 Tips To Keep You Hydrated offer from Natural Living Therapies

  1. Karen Tapert 7 years ago

    How much do you drink each day?

    • Author
      Ruth 7 years ago

      I tend to make 1 batch at the weekend and drink it till it has gone.

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