reiki seichem courses

Reiki Seichem Courses
Unlike Seichem, Reiki has been practised in the UK for a couple of decades. Reiki and Seichem fit together very well with Reiki being considered the Earth energy and the Seichem modality brings in the healing frequencies of Water, Air and Fire. This combination makes for a very balanced and powerful tool for healing and is easily integrated into other healing modalities.
Students have the opportunity to select which energy they want to work with, therefore if you wish to work purely with Reiki then you will receive your attunement for that. If you wish to be attuned to both Reiki and Seichem this can be done at the same time.

There are 3 levels of Reiki and Seichem which enable you to work with the energy. At each level, you will be attuned and will receive training on how to use the energy in best practice. You must be aware that when you are attuned to the energy you will begin with healing yourself as well as others.

Level 1 Reiki or Reiki & Seichem
Level 1 Opens you up to the Reiki energy and allows you to practice healing on yourself and others (non paying friends and family).

Level 2 Reiki or Reiki & Seichem
Level 2 Increases your ability to use stronger healing energy. You will also learn how to use symbols and to send distant healing through time and space. At this level, you can obtain insurance and work as a Reiki or Reiki & Seichem practitioner.

Level 3 Reiki or Reiki & Seichem Master or Master /Teacher
Level 3 This level is often attained after a significant period of time working as a practitioner and this master level enhances your healing abilities significantly. The teaching part of level 3 is only required if you are wanting to teach and attune other people to Reiki or Reiki/Seichem

Please contact me for more details on Reiki Seichem courses. I offer 1-1 courses and groups training in Cornwall, however, I  am happy to travel to other areas of the UK if preferred


Course dates

For prices or more information click the on the relevant course to email your request.

  – Reiki and Seichem I 
  – Reiki and Seichem II

For additional days 1-1 attunement or Masters and Teacher training please email Ruth at

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