Credit to you! My treatment was first class and I’ve never ever felt so relaxed afterwards! Would and will highly recommend to anyone! Thank you!
Hand and lower arm soothing touch:
It is not uncommon to be touched less and less as we get older, we lose a life partner, grandchild grow up and stop wanting cuddles and before we know it we can go for long periods of time without a loving touch. Which is why even just a simple gentle hand massage is so powerful in providing therapeutic support. Gentle massage can be very nurturing, evoking feelings of reassurance, trust, protection, relaxation and reducing the sense of isolation.
Massage to stimulate bodily systems and ease pain and stiffness
As we get older, we need more help to maintain joint mobility, circulation, muscle & skin tone. Treatments such as massage and reflexology help by invigorating the lymphatic and circulatory system which can become sluggish and stagnant. These systems help to among other things carry nutrients and oxygen to all areas of the body and remove toxins and waste, so it is important to keep these working as effectively as possible.
Treatments for destressed clients
Distress can be felt for many reasons it can be the result of chronic pain or an illness such as Alzheimer or dementia. Distress from environmental changes such as coming to terms with a change in living arrangements is very common. Complimentary therapies are a gentle and effective way of helping the person gain relief from the stress and anxiety of change in circumstance and help calm people when experiencing anxiety and confusion, emotional upset or mood changes.
Care packages
Do you have a family member who is currently in a care home, hospice or is receiving care at home? Do you think they would benefit from massage or reflexology?
Care packages are quoted individually to tailor the treatment to the individual.
Are you a care home manager considering the provision of a massage service for residents? Please get in touch regarding our discounted rate for multiple bookings or day rates.
One-off treatments are also available.
If you would like to find out more please call Ruth on Tl 01664 454 623or ‘text’ 07434 941 295 ( local signal is poor for calls but texts do come through!) or email hello@naturallivingtherapies.co.uk.