Reiki Seichem

  • What is Reiki 1 about?
  • What is the History of Reiki?
  • What is Seichem? Seichem the four elements within it’s healing;
  • The History of Seichem
  • Grounding
  • What is Energy
  • How to breathe
  • Chakras/Energy Centres
  • Reiki Seichem Level 1 Attunement
  • Hand Positions for healing
  • The 21 Day Cleanse
  • General Self Healing
  • The Principles of Reiki
  • Ghasso Meditation
  • Chakras and working with the Auric Field
  • Consulting a Client
  • Healing a Client
  • The Violet Flame Attunement.
  • Who was Saint Germain?
  • What is the Violet Fire?
  • Cleanse and clear energy
  • Healing Animals, Plants and Object’s
  • How to use Reiki in everyday life


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